Online Speccy Library
version:0.7 (beta)
author: Hood
release: 18.03.2025
download: Online Speccy Library 0.7 (beta)
Dear WiFi followers,
Recently I released ZXDB downloader, version 0.4 beta. I could not resist in enhancing this program. I added several things, and here it is, a brand new release: version 0.7 beta. Since it brings more search options, I decided to rename the program to "Online Speccy Library" (OSL). Simply, with OSL you have heaps of software (mainly games) at your disposal.
What's new in 0.7?
first of all it is still beta version. It means that some usage features could have been done better plus also program is not fine tuned in regards to glitches and errors.
the biggest novelty is that I added 2 new servers with heaps of software
Closer look at servers
In version 0.4 beta, only one server was supported. In 0.7 beta two more were added. One is a server of which content was created by me. From the very beginning, I designed this server content with the idea that ZX will directly make use of it. So it does not contain any PC specific files, like ZIP, JPG, PDF, etc. It contains TAP, SNA, Z80, SCR, etc.- files that can be directly used/read on ZX. More details on: About SARAH server. The second new server is no little than, maintained by Dmitrij Ponomarev.
Searching through servers
Search HTTP request from served as a model. Because of compatibility, I asked Pavero ( and Dmitrij ( to make HTTP requests as close to as possible. It is important to realise, that search power lies at the side of servers. OSL's search capabilities have not practically changed from previous version 0.4 beta. Since each of the used servers contains a different number of files, search takes also different amount of time, but we look closer at it in paragraphs below. Let's have a look at individual server search capabilities:
Since this was the first and model server to start with, and since Remy, has not enhanced it anymore, it has the less search power from all used servers in OSL. You have to specify the search phrase as close as possible in order to obtain the result. Some games cannot be found at all. See description of version 0.4 below. The server has the fewest files of the others. So, searching through this server in OSL is very quick.
Search power was highly improved by Pavero here. Search is fulltext if 3 or more characters are inputted. If 1-2 chars inputted searching runs starts from left. If you enter "fire" not only all titles comprising "fire" will be returned, but also title F.I.R.E. Very good. Not only that. Try to search for "hood" not only Robin Hood games will be returned, but also some titles that I (Hood) remade, adapted. Type in "durel" and some titles from Durell will be returned. Try it out for youself. This server has little bit more files than the previous one, so it takes a little bit more time to return results.
As opposed to, this server is being updated every 3 months, so you are able to download almost everything. Moreover, it is one of the best servers with software from former Soviet Union authors, it contains loads of TRD and SCL files. Try it out, I am sure you find here outstanding games. Although feature with "hood" or durel" do not work here, I like this server very much. The server has the most files of all. So the serach result return speed is diminished by this fact.
As you can see with OSL 0.7 beta you can download really almost any ZX game.
Differencies in versions
Again, OSL exists in 4 versions. 2x for Wifi module in MB03+, eLeMeNt ZX and 2x for esxDOS, and BSDOS. Practically they all behave the same, except for one feature. While BSDOS version is able to download and run only TAP files, esxDOS can download and run also snaps, and newly also TRD and SCL files. Here, after download you will be redirected to TRDOS prompt. Please, keep in mind here is one error. If there is no boot file on the image and you type RUN, crash will happen. You best to type LIST to see disk catalogue and type RUN file name. So esxDOS version is more convenient to use.
Keys of usage
key H- change server
key B- abort action
Basically, only one subtantial key has been added in version 0.7, it is key H forserver change. If not in search mode, you browse through servers. In search mode, pressing H brings you to another server with the searched string. If it happens, that the result has not been found in any of the servers, you find yourself in endless cycle among servers. Press B to stop. With this key, you can also abort download of the file.
My biggest thank goes to Pavero, who in a very short time created a very clever and easy-to-use way on PC how to reach files on the server from ZX.
Dmitrij Ponomarev, who was good enough to implement Remy's HTTP requests.
ZXDB downloader
version:0.4 (beta)
author: Hood
release: 10.01.2025
download: ZXDB downloader 0.4 (beta)
Dear Wifi enthusiasts,
have you ever dreamt of an extremely easy way of getting games and running quickly? Well, this dream has now come true:))
Heavily inspired by Remy's Sharp ZXDB downloader for ZX Next, I created the same program for our wifi module in eLeMeNt ZX and MB03+. I would love to thank Remy Sharp for running this online database and making its usage real on a ZX Spectrum.
Now, what is ZXDB database? It is places on Remy's server. Remy got a brilliant idea to mirror the ZX database on a server, and keep it in a simplified way. All games are stored in a ZX Spectrum readable and runable formats (mainly, TAP, TZX and SNA formats). In one step you search for game of your interset. In the second step you download it and run. And that's it. No transfers, no format extraction, no memory card memory removal. It's just between you, your ZX and wifi module:)
The ZXDB downloader exists for almost 4 years on ZX Next, and now I have brought it to live also on eLeMeNt ZX and MB03+ platforms. Keeping it same simple as Remy's downloader.
What is in the zip package?
In the package you find four versoins- except for that each one is suitable for different HW and SW configuration, all of them behave the same way. At the end of their names, they have 5 letters, which have the following meaning:
MBBSD version for wifi module in MB03+ and BSDOS
MBESX version for wifi module in MB03+ and esxDOS
ELBSD version for wifi module in eLeMeNtZX and BSDOS
ELESX version for wifi module in eLeMeNtZX and esxDOS
Do not worry if you run eLeMeNtZX and MB03+ together and both are fitted with wifi modules. ZXDB downloader can cope with it.
Features and behaviour
Upon its run, the program connects to server and pops up a Search input line for you. Here you may directly enter a search of your wish. Upon entering it, the program returns pages of results. 10 results each page. Use arrows left/right to navigate through results page up/down. With up/down arrows you move cursor to your desired file. Now you have 2 options. Either press D to download the file only. Or press enter to download it and run at the same time. I believe the later will be mostly used option. This is most convenient way. In BSDOS version 0.4 can only download and run TAP files. It cannot run snaps Z80 and SNA. While esxDOS version can run also snaps. Neither of versions can cope with TZX files. Only ZX Next can run them.
In BSDOS, ZXDB version 0.4, extracting TAP can sometimes fail. It is because I use old TAPmaster tool, which cannot cope with files bigger than cca 42 kb in its size inside the TAP. If such thing happen, not only the downloaded file will not be extracted, but also BSDOS will be corrupted and you have to reboot. I need to write a brand new extracting TAP tool and put it in the next version.
In BSDOS version, you can decide, wether to delete TAP after having beeing extracted (default option) or not. And that is all. Indeed, you do not need more action to have fun. This tool is ideal for gaming parties with your friends.
In both, BSDOS and esxDOS versions, use nmi menu where you can select the target place where files will be downloaded and/ or downloaded and run.
Searching in ZXDB is not full text. If you look for Tau Ceti game, you have to type "Tau". Upon typing "ceti" your search will not be successful. Similarly, if you look for the famous Sentinell (the one with Tim Follin's 6 channel beeper music), you have to type "the sentinel". Searching is case insensitive. Search for "the way of the" will most probably find the title "The Way of the Exploding Fist". If you search for "s", tens of pages will be returned to you as all titles starting with "s" will be returned.
As for titles in the databse themselves, several titles cannot be found. Game "F.I.R.E" or "Chemi Chaos" rank among those. Unfortunately, Remy is too busy to get these thing sorted out. However, ZXDB still offers many many famous and less known titles at our hand.
Version 0.4 beta
Although 0.4 is still beta, I decide it to release it for your enjoyment and testing. It works pretty smoothly and seemingly without big error. Although I cannot exclude some.
Remy Sharp, Busy for his excelent routine for running the file from BSDOS.
Hood, 10.01.2025